Girls Trip [iTunes HD]

Universal $1.95

Four friends whose personal lives have kept them from hanging out together over the last five years decide to attend the Essence Music Festival in New Orleans together and make up for lost time. Beyond re-establishing their lifelong ties of friendship, they decide to explore their wild sides because they see this trip as one of the last times they will get to enjoy this time of their lives together. Form hotel to parade and around the city, the "girls" strengthen their friendship through a series of fun, adventurous moments that involve relaxing, dancing, partying, drinking and meeting new men.

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Four friends whose personal lives have kept them from hanging out together over the last five years decide to attend the Essence Music Festival in New Orleans together and make up for lost time. Beyond re-establishing their lifelong ties of friendship, they decide to explore their wild sides because they see this trip as one of the last times they will get to enjoy this time of their lives together. Form hotel to parade and around the city, the "girls" strengthen their friendship through a series of fun, adventurous moments that involve relaxing, dancing, partying, drinking and meeting new men.

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